**Clinic Restrictions - Masks are optional - do not enter the clinic if you are sick!**

What to expect & How to prepare for your intake appointment:
If you've been accepted as a client of Durham Midwives, and have an upcoming appointment, you'll find more information on this page on how to prepare for your first appointment.
Welcome Letter:
Here you can read more about the clinic and what to expect throughout your pregnancy care with us.
Additional Forms​
Before your appointment, print, review and complete the forms below. You can either bring them to your initial appointment or email them to the clinic (durhammidwives@gmail.com). Should you have any questions, you can wait to complete them in the clinic.
Your Appointment
Arrive at least 5 minutes prior to your appointment time and check in with the front desk.
Your initial appointment is roughly 1 hour and will include meeting a midwife from your assigned team. They will review our model of care and what to you expect by choosing midwives. A detailed medical and family history will be taken as part of assessing your overall health. This will include asking about any prior pregnancies, illnesses, operations, what medicines you’re taking and which ones you are allergic to. We will also want to know if you have any current health issues, so we can discuss if these will have an impact on your pregnancy.
In the initial visit we will take your blood pressure, weight and height. We may offer to listen for the heartbeat with the doppler. Sometimes, in early pregnancy a doppler is not sensitive enough to detected a heartbeat, so this will be dependent on how many weeks gestation you are.
Other test that are offered: Genetic screening, ultrasounds and blood work. The blood work that is typically ordered is to to check your blood group and if you have anemia, infectious diseases, sexually transmitted infections (STIs), as well as checking if you have rubella immunity. We will also include a urine test to check for potential UTI's. We do not run these test at the clinic, but you will be given paper work in which you can complete testing at your local lab.
We do not perform ultrasounds in office. If you require or opt for ultrasounds in pregnancy, we will provide you with a requisition, where you can complete these at an ultrasound department in the community.
We will calculate how many weeks you have been pregnant and the due date, but recommend that you reach out to your family doctor if you are not sure of your due date. Your family doctor or walk-in can order a dating scan, in which can be done between 7-9 weeks gestation.
If you choose to have genetic screening, Midwives can order the enhanced First Trimester Screening (eFTS) and NIPT (through Dynacare at a discounted rate). For more information on genetics screening please visit: Prenatal Screening Options
Please note that we are unable to provide any medical care prior to your first appointment. This includes, but not limited to: ordering tests, providing medical advice, recommendations, or prescriptions.
If you have any concerns or questions related to your pregnancy you will need to follow up with either your family doctor, walk-in or nearest emergency hospital.
If you'd like to start on your prenatal screening before your intake, you can do this You can start your through your family doctor or walk-in. They will be able to order blood work and a dating/early ultrasound.
We ask that you either bring us copies of any test you have completed, or send a records request (found on our contact page) to release your records us.
Follow the medical advice given by your doctor.